Are you being medicated correctly? Do your prescription drugs really make your condition better or just making it worse? The country’s war on drugs is directed to the wrong foe. Prescription drugs are killing more people and this is something that you should know. In the US, out of the…
Garlic- The King of all herbs?
Recently, I was criticized and mocked in social media for my opinions regarding the evidence-based beneficial effects of garlic consumption by a “Savior complex” self-proclaimed “Real Doctor” who has no documented natural medicine experience or training and has openly admitted to writing 50 prescriptions a day! This wannabe Youtube starlet…
Do Mammograms Really Prevent Breast Cancer Development?
If you’re quite uncertain of the answer, then you should probably need to hear this: Mammograms increase your risk of breast cancer! The pink ribbon might have made you believe that breast cancer can be prevented for the longest time, however, they failed to inform you that mammograms can cause…
Bitter Melon – Potent Fighter Against Cancer and Other Dangerous Diseases
Bitter melon or bitter gourd, popularly known locally as the lowly “ampalaya plant and fruit” have been discovered to cause cell death in four lines of pancreatic cancer cells. Also observed to prevent the growth of pancreatic cancer tumors (ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas) among laboratory mice. A Studies About…
The Hype About the High Cost of Cancer Drugs!
Would you want to pay US$93,000 per year for an anti-cancer drug for prostate cancer that can lengthen your life by just another 4 months? The drug is called Provenge by the Dendreon Corporation when it was launched in 2010; it was hailed as a new therapy for “incurable” prostate…
Coconut Oil – Nature’s #1 Best Healing Superfood
You must have heard of this before – Coconut Oil is bad for your health! Coconut oil clogs your arteries and is instrumental to generating heart disease. Coconut oil is too fatty that it’s like immersing yourself in a vat full of oil. Nothing can be farther from the truth.…