Though there are more paid peer-studied researches, there are still some notable studies that deserve to be put on every news headlines to make the whole world know about them. One of which is a study entitled Long Term Toxicity of Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant genetically modified maize spearheaded…
Why Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Injure and Kill so Many People; are We the Real “Guinea pigs”?
Drugs and other Medical Treatments Injure and Kill Millions of People: In 2004, a team of scientists reported: “A definitive review and close reading of medical peer-review journals, and government health statistics shows that American medicine frequently causes more harm than good. The total number of iatrogenic deaths (deaths from…
Consumer Activists Protest Against 5G Tech Installation; Warn About Frightening Health Risks of MMW Radiation
The much-awaited advent of 5G technology in some parts of the world, particularly in first world countries, seems to be good news for everyone. But is it true? A growing number of telecommunications and health experts are mighty concerned about the unknown side effects of 5G technology, clamoring for government…
U.S. Department of Justice charges 601 people — 76 doctors, 23 pharmacists, and 19 nurses — for earning billions in medical fraud to push toxic drugs
President Trump’s U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) recently upped the ante against fraud, abuse, and profiteering in the medical and pharmaceutical industry by announcing charges against 601 people, particularly 76 doctors, 23 pharmacists, and 19 nurses. These frauds allegedly totaled over US$2 billion in losses and contributed to the…
The Pharma Company That Created “Fake” Cancer Patients
Another Big Pharma company has been caught in the act – again — by government authorities of cheating its number one constituents – its consumers! Insys Therapeutics has been incriminated of creating “fake cancer patients” to help boost the sales of its drug Subsys. Use of the drug Subsys by…
‘FDA’s System of Drug Review is Bogus’, says Constitutional Attorney Jonathan Emord
Attorney Jonathan Emord says that the FDA’s system of drug review is designed to protect and advance the interest of the drug industry. This is contrary to the main role FDA is supposed to play in the government. “A lot of people don’t realize this but; FDA never tests the…